20 May 2010
The long-awaited and oft-discussed FAF CD is now with us - it features tracks by pagan bands such as Druidica and Mad Magdelene (who I will now make a point of seeing live), as well as contributions from old mates like Sunshine Paul, Liv Torc and Damh The Bard which you just won't get anywhere else. My own "Wicker Man", although released on "Barddas II - Echoes" some years ago, appears in a radically different form thanks in no small part to Mark Rae's keyboards and inspiration.
Nice work, Big Man!
So just buy one, OK? Not only do you get some damn fine exclusive sounds, but you can give the finger to the Nazis at the same time!
It's available here
30 March 2010
Rig Records Showcase
Rig Records have arranged two showcase slots at the Libertine, Saahhff London, in April and May. Big Mark will accompany Manir and me on various songs, which will take in some of the more recent Rig tunes plus tracks from Manir's and my solo albums. I'm looking forward to this one and busy trying to learn Manir's licks!
This will be my first gig in about six months, so I'm just hoping everything goes OK...
Full details on the Gigs page.
18 February 2010
Folk Against Fascism
I've been asked to contribute a couple of songs to the forthcoming charity CD from Folk Against Fascism. I've done a reworking of one of my old songs "The Wicker Man" plus a previously unreleased song called "The Bourgeois Blues" which didn't quite make it onto "Reinventing the Wheel". The two tracks were recorded by Mark Rae and me at Riverway on 15th Februay 2010, and are currently being mixed and mastered.
No word on a release date as yet, so watch this space for further news.
Click the FAF logo for more details. |  |
3 February 2010
And The Survey Said...!
Ever had a review that uses words like "engaging", "sublime", "gripping" and "brilliant" and "inadequate pissed busker" in the same few paragrpahs?
I have!
This season's issue of Classic Rock Presents Prog have had a good listen to "Reinventing The Wheel", and, it would seem, a lot of my other material, and have published their thoughts.
Every record I've made has produced one of two reactions - people either love it straight away or they can't stand it - so I was expecting one or the other. But both in the same review is a first!
27 November 2009
Rig on Classic Rock CD
I'm pleased to be able to tell you that Sanctuary Rig are featured on this season's covermount CD of Classic Rock Presents...Prog! the featured track is Paul's "Life Song", a good choice I think, as it has all the hallmarks of the Rig sound. Worth checking out the mag too if you like music with substance.
21 October 2009
End of the road
Today marked the end of my tenure in Staid As Quo. I'm very sad to be leaving, but the work schedule has become too much, particularly the travelling. It's been an incredible four years, I've met some wonderful people, not least Tel, Mick, Dave and Neil, who have been superb companions on the road and great friends. I'm hoping to spend more time writing and releasing original material and looking after my daughter.
Bon Voyage lads!
9 August 2009
Performing The Wheel
Just returned from DruidCamp 2009, where I got to catch up with some old friends, make some new ones, and launch The Wheel as an album. I caught most of Paul Mitchell's set, great to bump into him again. I've still got one of his more infamous songs running round in my head (I can't possibly tell you which one!). Paul Newman joined me on stage for "Soul Quest" – really pleased to work with him, he has such an infectious vibe! His version of "Reap It" is something to hear as well. Bobcat paid me a tremendous compliment in her introduction be describing me as an 'uncompromising artist'. Thank you. I shall endeavour to be worthy of that!
19 July 2009
The Wheel arrives!
Reinventing The Wheel has arrived, just in time for the performance at the Druid Network Camp. I have to say I'm really happy with the way it's come out - Big Si's artwork looks great and the final pressing sounds a lot better than I expected. Oh, and, err, did I mention you can buy it on this site..!!??
6 June 2009
Almost there!
The new album Reinventing the Wheel is all ready to go now, and the record company is hoping for a release date later this month.
28 April 2009
Got some of the artwork from Simon Williams today - who also worked on Here Be Dragons - and it really fits with the album's ethic of a knowing simplicity. There's a freshness about it that I really like - quite different from anything we've done before.
13 April 2009
Recording complete
The new album is now all recorded, so it's over to Flipper to do his thing. Probably looking at a May or June release.
10 April 2009
More recording
Nearly done now. Mark Rae, from Sanctuary Rig, has contributed some terrific piano to the final track. I think it's probably my favourite cut on the album, and should be a real surprise.
8 April 2009
Day 3 of the recording, and we're actually progressing at an amazing rate. I don't think I've ever had a record come together so easily and so quickly. Jim 'Flipper' White - who produced Khnosti - is at the boards once again. he has a great ear, great sensibilities and is a pleasure to work with.
31 March 2009
New album
The new album is now all written, and the recording sessions are booked. Looking at a May release date. The record has been tentatively titled "Reinventing The Wheel".
15 March 2009
Hail and well met!
Welcome to the new site. I'm starting afresh in several ways here - new songs, new album - NEW RECORD COMPANY. Rig Records has suggested a solo album and it feels right. I hope to be able to get on here regularly and keep all you good people updated - so do drop in regularly.